Cookies Policy

ESTEVÃO CÂMARA UNIPESSOAL, LDA. with registered office at Rua Direita, n.º 97, Fajã de Baixo 9500-448 Ponta Delgada, registered under the single registration and legal person number 514232366, with a share capital of € 1.00 (one euro) (hereinafter also referred to as “LANDESCAPE“) uses cookies to assist in the navigation and operations of the website (hereinafter “website“). Some of the cookies we use are necessary for the performance of the website and execution of the associated services, whereas the use of other cookies will always be dependent on your prior consent, which can be withdrawn at any time via the specific tools of your internet browser (hereinafter referred to as “browser”) (please see section 5. How can I disable cookies?).

This Cookies Policy is not applicable to third-party websites that may be accessed via hyperlinks provided on the website, nor to the processing of data carried out by third parties collected through the cookies installed.

You can find below all the relevant information applicable to the cookies used on the website:

  • What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files placed on the user’s equipment or mobile device (hereinafter jointly referred to as “equipment”) by means of a browser. Placing cookies enables the website to recognise your device on a subsequent visit. When we use the term cookies in this policy we refer to all files that collect information in such form.

We use different types of cookies on the website. For more information about the types of cookies, their purposes and their retention periods, please refer to section 4. What are cookies used for?.

Depending on the type of cookies, the refusal to install them may result in the impossibility of accessing some of the website areas or receiving personalized information.

Through your browser, you may at any time decide to be notified about the reception of cookies, as well as block their installation on your equipment.

  • Who is responsible for Cookies?

The entity responsible for the cookies may vary depending on where the cookies come from. Therefore, the following types of cookies are used on the website regarding the responsible entity:

  • In-house Cookies: These cookies are sent to the user’s equipment from the party responsible for the website, i.e. LANDESCAPE.
  • Third-party Cookies: These are cookies sent to the user’s equipment from a computer or domain that is not managed by LANDESCAPE but by another entity that processes the data obtained through the cookies.

You can verify which entity is responsible for each cookie in section 4. What are cookies used for?.

  • For how long are cookies stored?

Regarding the period of time during which cookies remain on your equipment, the following types of cookies must be considered:

  • Log cookies: These are collected and stored while the user accesses the website. They are typically used to store information for the purpose of providing the service requested by the user on a single occasion (e.g. a list of purchased products) and disappear at the end of the session.
  • Persistent cookies: Those in which the data remain stored in the user’s equipment and can be accessed and processed for a period defined by the entities responsible for the cookie, which can vary between a few minutes and several years.

You can verify the retention period of each cookie in section 4. What are cookies used for?.

  • What are cookies used for?

Cookies are used to help determine the usefulness, interest and number of uses of websites, allowing faster and more efficient browsing and eliminating the necessity of repeatedly entering the same information.

Please find below information regarding the types of cookies that are used on the website, as well as the specific cookies used, according to each type.

  • Necessary cookies: These are essential cookies to ensure the navigation and use of the website. The information collected relates to the normal management of the website.

In essence, these cookies allow us to ensure that we provide the service you request, and without them this would not be possible.




Storage period

Cookie Management Entity






  • Personalization and preference Cookies: These cookies allow information to be memorized so that the user can access the website with certain characteristics that may differentiate their experience from other users, such as for example: the language; the appearance or content of the website.




Storage period

Cookie Management Entity






  • Analytical cookies: These cookies allow us to monitor and analyze the behaviour of website users, including quantifying the impact of advertisements. The information collected through this type of cookies is used to measure website activity with the aim of making improvements based on the analysis of usage data provided by website users.




Storage period

Cookie Management Entity

Google Analytics


Analysis and measuring




Google Analytics is a tracking tool by Google LLC that is used to analyse the behaviour and traffic on websites.

Statistical analysis on how the website is used

2 years


SEO PowerSuite




SEO PowerSuite

  • Advertising cookies: These cookies store information about the behaviour of users through their website browsing, which allows the development of a specific profile to target advertising accordingly.




Storage period

Cookie Management Entity



Communication and Advertising





Communication and Advertising



Google Ads


Communication and Advertising



The information generated by certain cookies about your use of the website may be transferred to an external server outside the European Economic Area (EEA) and stored there. This is the case for cookies used by Google Analytics. In such cases, we implement appropriate safeguards to protect your privacy, fundamental rights and freedoms as occurs within the EEA, including by agreeing with Google to use and apply the standard contractual clauses adopted by the European Commission.

  • How can I disable cookies?

Even if you provide your consent to the installation of cookies you may at any time disable some or all of them.

All browsers allow the user to accept, refuse or delete cookies, namely by selecting the appropriate settings in the respective browser. You can configure cookies in the “options” or “preferences” menu of your browser. Please note, however, that disabling cookies may prevent some services on the website from working properly, affecting navigation on the website in part or in whole.

For more information about cookies, including what they are, how to manage them and how to delete them, please visit, which also includes information on how to manage their settings for various browser providers.

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